Entries by brano

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathic Therapy – It’s a manual therapy that is based on holistic approach. Holistic approach is a combination of mind and body. Mind and body are interrelated and play a significant piece in our health. The most important part of Osteopathy is to recognize abnormalities of body to restore structure and function of joints, muscles, […]

How Personal Training can affect your Life ( Client’s true story)

  I joined training with Brano in December 2018. During the initial assessment with my personal trainer Brano, I was quite apprehensive at first because I did not know what to except. Having personal trainer allowed me to build my confidence to follow a fitness routine in between personal training sessions. I am forever grateful […]

Drivers of High Healthcare Costs

75% healthcare costs, approximately 70% of deaths and more other cause chronic diseases. Insufficient level of physical activity due to mainly electronic devices, poor nutrition and tobacco are responsible for chronic diseases Read more Why Lower Health Care Costs is One of the Benefits of Wellness