Starting Apr 22, 2017
Improve your skills and agility both with and without the ball.
- Get engaged and involved
- Coordination on the field
- Vertical jumping
- Improve running
- Improve your dribbling
- Most importantly: have fun!
Robert Lee YMCA, downtown Vancouver, BC
955 Burrard St, Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y2
Dates and Times:
4 Saturdays, 2 age groups available
Age: 3 – 5:
12:15pm – 1:45pm
Age: 6 -10:
2:00pm -3:30pm
Apr 22, Apr 29, May 6, May 13 2017
Sign Up
You can purchase a membership at the YMCA location.
Please call (604) 689-9622
Brano’s Blog
Training Locations
Bentall Centre Athletic Club
1055 Dunsmuir Street
Lower Plaza, 4 Bentall Centre
Robert Lee YMCA
955 Burrard St
Vancouver, BC V6Z 1Y2
About Brano
We’re experiencing a huge trend towards inactivity with all our vehicles and technology. Most people are not even close to the daily recommended activity levels. It has been scientifically proven that staying active improves our mental wellbeing. We release stress and become more calm after exercise.
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